

Jewish songs, #ZoriyFine, piano.

#Eli, Eli (A Walk to #Caesarea) is a poem in Hebrew written in 1942 by Hungarian Jewish WWII resistance fighter #HannahSenesh, which Israeli composer #DavidZehavi set to music in 1945. The song is considered one of Israel's unofficial anthems, and is the most-commonly played song on #YomHaShoah (the #HolocaustRemembranceDay) in #Israel.🎹 #JazzPiano Improvisation & Tutorial by #ZoriyFine, 19.12.2022, #Warszawa. (Let me remind you, it is better to listen in headphones or on a good audio system due to the high quality recording (192 kHz, 24 bits) of the #Fazioli piano emulation, #KorgSV2 #PreSonus). 🎹 #MeditativeCalmMusic. #JazzImprovisation. Any melody can become a #LullabySong. Медитативна #МузикаСпокою. Будь-яка мелодія може стати #Колискова. PLAYLIST... 🎹 #VideoTutorial on #StepByStep how to easily #LearnToPlayPiano. #PianoTutorial - #HowToPlay. #ЯкЦеЗіграти? Крок по кроку: #НавчальнеВідео про те, як легко #НавчитисяГрати на #фортепіано. #КакЭтоСыграть? #ШагЗаШагом: обучающее видео, как легко #НаучитьсяИграть на #фортепиано. PLAYLIST... 🎹 PLAYLIST with Ukrainian songs and poems performed by me: Плей-лист з українськими піснями і віршами у моєму виконанні. 🎹 PLAYLIST with Jewish songs performed by me. 🎹 The following is an English translation of the song version: My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the sea, the rustle of the water, the brilliance of the sky, the prayer of man. In Hebrew, the poem reads: אלי, אלי, שלא יגמר לעולם החול והים רשרוש של המים ברק השמים תפילת האדם

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