Приглашаю к прослушиванию, ссылки ниже. Отдельное спасибо моим патронам, благодаря которым качество моих записей повышается с каждым днём: Наталье и Константину Холод, Михаилу Швец, Климу Удотову.
EN↓Dear friends! My musical fairy tale for two horns, two synthesizers, and a Wurlitzer piano, "The Princess Awaits Her Herald with Glad Tidings from the Enchanted Wood," is now available for listening on all platforms in incredible, top-quality sound!
This piece is dedicated to my little daughter, Anya, as a musical illustration of our endless evening fairy tales.
A small downside: Anya no longer asks for bedtime stories, and her dad no longer has to make them up because now she just asks to play the music and leave. Within 14 minutes, she usually falls asleep. I was sure this would last only a few days, but so far, her interest hasn’t faded.
Which brings me to a question: have you tried playing this fairy tale for your children? How did they react?
I invite you to listen – links are below!
A special thank you to my patrons, whose support helps improve the quality
of my recordings every day: Natalia and Konstantin Kholod, Mikhail Shvets, and
Klim Udotov.
💳 Thanks for Your donation: https://www.paypal.me/zoriyfine
iTunes, Apple Music: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1801269250
AMAZON MUSIC: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0DZYHY18D
TIDAL: https://tidal.com/browse/album/423099452
YOUTUBE MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRTLN9s4nxA&list=OLAK5uy_lCj7uNChrWuo9upy6hPBKTY-W1qA5GzQg
YOUTUBE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/FGz4C9PGNlk
Social: https://social.tunecore.com/linkShare?linkid=JbDJ1vFcmG9uMLGHc33yeQ
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