Посвящается моей маленькой дочери
Ане как иллюстрация к нашим бесконечным вечерним сказкам.
#ZoriyFine. The Princess Awaits Her Herald with Glad Tidings from the Enchanted Wood: A Musical Fairy Tale for Two Horns, Two Synthesizers, and Wurlitzer Piano.
♫ Sound Palette: Horns (#YamahaDX11), Synthesizers (#Cypher2 &
#Strobe2 on #ROLI #Seaboard Rise), #Wurlitzer Piano (#KorgSV2), and Rhythmic
#Textures (#Yamaha PSS-780). The work was completed in March 2025, #Warsaw.
Performed by the author.
Dedicated to my little daughter, Ania
(#AnnaFine) — a musical illustration of our endless evening fairy tales.
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